Finished: Sampler of Exchanged Blocks

Crossroads Church of Lillington, where I am a member, sponsors a crafting/quilting group, the Sew ‘n’ Sews, which meets on Wednesday mornings. (You are most welcome if you live locally!) Last year we exchanged blocks, each of us making sixteen, each of us making a different design. We purchased a bright print for everyone to use in her blocks.

Here are the blocks on my design wall. Aren’t the block designs a wonderful mix of colors and complexity! Can you spot the common print fabric?

The exchage “rules” stated that the blocks should be 12 1/2″ unfinished, but invariably blocks made by different seamstresses will be different sizes depending on seam allowance variancies. When measuring the blocks, I noticed, with chagrin, that mine measured 12 3/4.” Instead of trimming all the blocks to the same size, I opted to add a frame around each block and then trim them all to the same size.

I purchased a yard each of bright blue and yellow solid fabric and cut 2 1/2″ wide strips for frames. After sewing and pressing the strips to the blocks, I trimmed them all to 16″ square. As you can see from the photo, I alternated yellow-framed blocks with blue-framed blocks.

I considered attaching a black inner border, but the quilt said, “Orange would be a better choice.” (When the quilt speaks, you gotta’ listen!) The 5″ outer border brings the total measurement to about 75″ square. For quilting, I chose yellow thread and freehand quilted Es and 3s all over. The binding is the same print fabric as the outer border.

Because each of the makers signed the blocks she contributed to the exchange, this quilt serves as a tangible memory of my Sew ‘n’ Sew quilting friends! It currently hangs over the bannister in our living room, adding a cheerful, springtime aspect to the decor.